News & Events

Year 11 Parent’s Evening

Wednesday, 24 February, 4.00pm – 8.00pm
We would like to invite you to our Year 11 Parent’s Evening which will take place on Wednesday, 24 February 2021. The evening will provide you and your child with the opportunity to virtually meet with staff and discuss your child’s progress.

In light of the current situation, we will offer virtual meetings with families using a parents evening software called ‘School Cloud’. Further information regarding this software is also attached in this email.

Each virtual meeting will last for up to 5 minutes and families can select from available time slots allowing you the chance to speak to your child’s subject teachers. It is essential that you are ready to start your meeting at the time advised, as the system does not allow this time to be extended.

It is expected that all families, along with their child attends this very important virtual evening as it will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in each subject.
Please click on the link below to submit your response. This must be submitted by no later than Wednesday, 17 February 2021.

Yr 11 Parent’s Evening Attendance Response Form

Parent/Carer user guide and instructions

Click here to view Video guide

Yours sincerely
Ms A Bell & Mr D Irish
Vice Principal & Principal

View full copy of letter here

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