I hope that you are all keeping well. We have now completed over 4 weeks of remote learning and hopefully you are all settled into a routine that ensures that your child is attending scheduled live
learning and completing the independent work that is being set.
In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement last week, we now know that school will not re-open until Monday, 8 March at the earliest. We also know that the Academy will be closed to everyone over February Half Term. This means that there will be no remote learning or live lessons posted during the week Monday, 15 February – Friday, 19 February. There will also be no Key Worker or Vulnerable provision during this period.
Remote learning and Key Worker/Vulnerable provision will restart on Monday, 22 February. The consultation on examinations has now closed and we hope to get the results and an indication of
the government’s response by mid-March. I will write to you again once we have received this information. In the meantime, it is vitally important that all students, but particularly those in Year 11 and Year 13 attend all live lessons and complete all the independent study opportunities. Failure to do this will mean that your grade will be negatively affected when staff are asked to give their views on your progress.
We will be issuing vouchers for families entitled to Free School Meals over half term and the scheme has also been extended until at least March 8, with the Prime Minister promising that it will continue until schools re-open.
Everybody is working extremely hard during this period and it is vitally important that we look after our physical and mental health during this period. Mr Brogan, our Pupil Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator, will be releasing information onto the Wellbeing Hub to support families with this. Please keep an eye out for RED February which is a challenge that I will also be taking part in!
Please take care and stay safe.
Kind regards,
Mr D Irish