February 2022
Ref: LP/KM
Dear Family
Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Thursday, 17 February 2022
4.30pm until 8.00pm
I would like to invite you to the Year 11 Parents’ Evening which will take place on Thursday, 17 February 2022. The evening will provide you and your child with the opportunity to meet with their subject teachers to discuss their current progress.
The evening will run from 4.30pm until 8:00pm with staff being available for appointments in ten-minute intervals between these times. Appointments will be available to book from 5pm on Monday, 7 February and must be booked on Edulink.
It is expected that all families and their child will attend this very important evening. Please be aware that all students should wear full Academy uniform.
During the evening you also have the opportunity to meet with a Careers Advisor and the Head of Year to discuss methods to help the next steps of your child’s journey. An appointment is not required.
Families will be provided with a guide on how to book appointments using Edulink. If you require any assistance in accessing Edulink, please contact the Academy on 0121 558 8086.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Prince Mr D Irish
Head of Year 11 Principal
Parents Evening Appointment Booking Guide