News & Events

Year 10 BTEC Mock Examinations

February 2022

Dear family

Year 10 BTEC Mock Examinations
Tuesday, 8 March 2022 – 9:00am

Your child will be involved in a Travel and Tourism BTEC mock examination on the date stated above.
For the examination your child needs to arrive to school no later than 8:45am for the exam to commence at 9:00am. At the end of the exam your child will be dismissed from the exam room to then continue with their lessons.

Please ensure your child attends this examination as this will help ensure that your child is best prepared for their actual examination in the summer.

Students can view their individual timetable online via Edulink. It is important for students to understand that it is their responsibility to know when they have an examination and where they need to be in order to sit those examinations.

Students also need to ensure that they have read all the JCQ Information for Candidates documents which are accessible on the Student Portal, under the examination information tab, prior to completing any examinations.

Students must adhere to the following basic expectations during the examinations, both now and in the Summer:
• They must be on time to all examination sessions
• They must enter the examination room with empty pockets
• Mobile phones and electronic devices are not allowed
• They are not allowed to wear a watch on their wrist in the examination room
• Students must have a black pen
• Students are only allowed water to drink in the examination room and this must be in clear bottle, the bottle must have the label removed
• Students will be expected to leave all coats and bags at the back or front of the examination room as appropriate
• Students will not be allowed to leave the room during the examination at any point unless it is for a valid medical reason
• Students must remain in the examination room for the full time of their examination

If you have any questions regarding this mock examination, then please do not hesitate to contact me at the Academy.

Yours sincerely

Mrs J Kaur                      Mr D Irish
Senior Teacher               Principal

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