Dear families,
Weather warning next week
You may be aware that the Met Office have issued a weather warning for extreme heat from Sunday 17 – Tuesday 19 July 2022. With this in mind, we want to share some reminders and information on additional measures that we will be taking as a school to make sure that our students remain comfortable throughout this period.
Students should:
- Bring a water bottle to school, which they will be able to refill if needed. Students should drink regularly to stay hydrated.
- Avoid playing sports outside at break and lunch times and stay in shaded areas where possible.
- Regularly apply sun cream before going outside.
- Use available inside spaces during break and lunchtimes.
As a school, we will also be:
- Asking students to come into school in their PE kit
- Allowing students to wear caps outdoors
- Using additional cooler rooms for lessons where possible.
- Reducing time spent outside during PE lessons or moving lessons inside.
We always try to make balanced and responsive decisions and so will continue to monitor and review our approach daily, using guidance received from external agencies.
We are confident that our students can continue with their learning and remain smart and safe.
Yours faithfully
Mr D Irish