July 2022
Dear Families,
End of Term Letter – Summer 2022
Our newsletter will be with you shortly and it is full of all the exciting activities and opportunities that have been available for our students over the past term. You will find details of sporting success, successful theatre productions and photos of the trips and activities that have taken place during a busy term.
As we approach the end of term, I would like to update you on some of our preparations for September. We have several staff who are leaving the academy to pursue the next stages of their careers and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them well for the future.
As you are aware following the pandemic, we made some changes to the structure of our school day to incorporate more time for Personal Development across the academy, languages in Year 10 /11 and to have more time for assemblies. It has however been noted that we are seeing an increasing number of children turn up late for school at 9:25am and therefore missing key curriculum content. Can I please remind families that school starts at 8:45am and that it is a legal requirement for students to attend promptly. We will be focussing on this as an area from September and students will be reminded of the process.
We have also seen an increasing number of families requesting holidays during term time. I must remind families that permission can only be given in exceptional circumstances. I must point out that family holidays are not an exceptional circumstance according to the guidance. For more information please visit Sandwell LA website Holidays in term time | Sandwell Council
We are also making some changes to our uniform expectations from September, and I wanted to inform you of these in good time for purchasing uniform over the summer. Students will no longer be allowed to wear PE, Dance or Drama kit to the Academy on the days they have these lessons. They will go back to bringing their kit with them and changing prior to the lesson.
We have also updated our website with the details of our uniform expectations and also our expectations around hairstyles, hair colour, makeup, jewellery and piercings. Please can you look at these and ensure that your child is aware of the expectations. For more information, please visit our website. Academy Uniform – Shireland Collegiate Academy
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this academic year and to wish you a pleasant summer break.
Kind regards
Mr Irish