News & Events

RSE Consultation

The Department for Education has announced changes to relationships, sex and health education. These changes came into effect from September 2020 and all schools must follow the updated
requirements. This means that we will be reviewing our RSHE curriculum and policy so that we can be sure our provision is appropriate for our learners based on their:
• Age
• Physical and emotional maturity
• Religious and cultural backgrounds
• Special educational needs and/or disabilities

We need your feedback to help us do this.

How you can help us:
• Read the information on the Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust website about the changes to our policy and curriculum and complete the family feedback form on the page:

• Join our Family Forum discussion group on Wednesday, 3 March 2021. If you would like to participate, please email or call 0121 558 8086 before Thursday, 25 February. A focus group meeting should take no more than 1 hour.

Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Mark Grundy

view copy of letter here

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