As you are aware Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust has consulted on a number of changes to the Academy Day from this September 2021. Our belief, as highlighted in the consultation, is that the changes would allow our Academies to better support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of students as well as creating opportunities to extend learning in a more tutorial style.
The proposal outlined: a continuation of the extended form time that has worked so successfully during the pandemic to support the delivery of PHSE and RSE; the development of a programme to enhance levels of achievement; and offered an opportunity for our students to participate in the Arts and Sports in an extended day format on one day a week.
We have consulted across our community and have received many hugely positive comments and suggestions but also a significant number of concerns. Having discussed this with our Trustees we have concluded that the best solution from September 2021 is as follows:
• We propose, wherever possible, to align the school day across our Secondary Academies.
• We propose to extend the day by an additional 15 minutes. This means that the Academy Day would start at 8.45am and finish at 3:25pm.
• Having listened to parental feedback we will not be running an additional hour once per week as suggested in the consultation.
• We will return to the pre-covid start of the day procedures with a warning bell at 8:40am and registration beginning at 8:45am.
• We will maintain multiple entrances/exits for our students and we will inform you of any potential change to these.
• These changes, having been approved by the Board of Trustees, will come into force from 6 September 2021.
Thank you for your support during this process and we hope that you will feel that this solution is a sensible compromise to support your children.
We will post the final results of the consultation by 31 July 2021 in a letter to all families on our website but felt it best to give certainty before the end of term of our response to your feedback.
Sir Mark Grundy
Mr D Irish
Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust Shireland Collegiate Academy