April 2022
Dear Family
End of Term Arrangements
This has been another busy term at Shireland. Students have completed their mock examinations as they continue to prepare for their external examinations in the Summer.
We have also been preparing for our production of Oliver during our Theatre School sessions on Thursdays after school and we are looking forward to welcoming some of the local primaries and our families to Shireland in July 2022.
Year 10 students took part in a fantastic day exploring careers within the Highways Sector or Healthcare. Students had the opportunity to develop products for the NHS, listen to healthcare professionals, interact with machinery, create tarmac, construct bridges, drive a simulator and control a robot from space! Alongside all of this they heard from over 40 volunteers talking about their roles, skills and journey to where they are in their careers
The last day of term will be Friday, 8 April 2021. Students will be released from the Academy at the normal time of 3.25pm.
During half term we have a full study support programme which will be delivered via a mix of online Microsoft TEAMS and in person sessions at the Academy for students taking part in summer examinations.
All students should return to the Academy on Monday, 25 April 2022 at the normal time of 8.40am.
It is important to let you know that Mr Spark will be moving to Thorns Collegiate Academy after the Easter Break following promotion to the role of Senior Assistant Principal. I would like to congratulate Mr Spark and thank him for all he has done to support students at Shireland. I am very glad that he remains within the Trust. I am informing you because he has contact with many families and I would want you to be aware of the change. We have employed a very experienced person to replace Mr Spark and his name is Mr Daly. Mr Daly has worked in Sandwell schools supporting student behaviour and standards for over 12 years and will continue the great work that Mr Spark has been doing.
Key dates for next half term:
Focus Day – Friday, 29 April.
Bank Holiday – Monday, 2 May.
Staff Training Day – Tuesday, 3 May.
Focus Day – Thursday, 5 May.
Summer Examinations begin – Monday, 16 May
End of Term – Friday, 27 May
Yours sincerely
Mr D Irish