February 2023
Dear Family
Year 9 Progress Evening
Thursday, 9 January 2023
4.30pm until 8.00pm
We would like to invite you to our Year 9 Progress Evening which will take place on Thursday, 9 February 2023. The evening will provide you and your child with the opportunity to meet with their L4L teacher to discuss their current progress. Your child’s other subject teachers will be available for drop-in sessions on the evening also, however these will not be appointments. The evening will run from 4.30pm until 8.00pm
To book your appointment with your child’s L4L teacher, please use our Edulink software. Further information regarding how to use this software is attached to this letter.
It is expected that all families and their child will attend this very important evening. Please be aware that all students are required to wear full Academy uniform.
I sincerely hope that you are able to attend this very important evening and we very much look forward to meeting with you and your child.
If you have any issues regarding logging into Edulink or booking appointments, please contact the Academy on 0121 558 8086.
If you are unable to attend or would like a member of staff to contact you to arrange an alternative appointment, please inform your child’s form tutor.
Yours sincerely
Mr B Bell Mr D Irish
Head of Year 9 Principal