News & Events

Year 8 Return To Academy January 2022

December 2021


Dear Families,

Students returning to the Academy – Year 8

Thursday, 6 January 2022


We have been informed by the Department for Education that on return from the Christmas holidays, all secondary school students should receive one onsite lateral flow test.

If you have previously given consent for your child to take part in onsite lateral flow testing, we will assume that you continue to give your permission unless you contact the Academy. For those that have not given consent but wish to do so, please click the LINK to give your consent.

Students will be tested once and asked to remain in the Academy to continue with their timetabled lessons. On Friday, 7 January, they will arrive at their normal start time and must enter the Academy via their normal entrance.  Following this, students will be required to test themselves at home twice weekly.

Key Information

We are staggering students’ return to the Academy – one tutor group at a time.  The process for your Year 8 child’s return Thursday, 6 January is as follows:


  • Your child must enter the academy via the Year 7 entrance on Grange Road.
  • Each tutor group has been allocated an arrival time. Please refer to the table for this information.
  • Please be on time – not early or late. Your child should not attend with siblings or friends.
  • Any student arriving at the wrong time will be directed to return home.
  • Your child is to be in full academy uniform.
  • Those that have not given consent to be tested should return at the time allocated to their tutor group
  • On Friday, 7 January, students will follow our normal academy start and finish times and should enter via their normal entrance.

Your Year 8 child is due to return on Thursday, 6 January 2022. Please check the table below to see what time they are due to arrive.

8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 8I 8J
11.40am 12pm 12.20pm 12.40pm 1pm 1.20pm 1.40pm 2pm 2.20pm 2.40pm


In the event that a student tests positive for coronavirus, we will contact families immediately. At this stage, you should contact the NHS and book a confirmatory PCR test.


Please remember that the tests that we are using (‘Orient Gene Tests’) are only for the purposes of identifying asymptomatic cases.  If your child is displaying symptoms of coronavirus, do not send them in to the academy and ensure that you follow government guidance around self-isolation.

If you have not yet provided your consent for your child to be tested, I would urge you to please do so.


Kind regards

Mr Irish

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