News & Events

Year 11 Mock Examinations

November 2022

Dear Family

Year 11 Mock Examinations

Friday, 25 November – Friday, 2 December 2022

 Your child will be involved in a series of mock examinations commencing on Friday, 25 November 2022. The purpose of these examinations is to provide your child with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and learning of their subject areas. Your child will also be able to experience the rigour of examinations so that they understand the expectation there is around examinations.

It is important that your child is spending time preparing for this as this is a pivotal part of their learning journey. Staff are keen to identify how they can further help students to achieve their full potential by assessing students through these examinations. Students should speak to their subject teachers as to what they need to do to prepare fully and utilise all the highly effective online resources the school has to offer.

Students will be attending their normal timetabled lessons during this period unless they are in examinations.  If examinations are in the morning, your child needs to ensure they arrive at school no later than 8:45am and line up straight away under the canopy outside the sports hall for the exam to commence at 9:00am. If they have an afternoon examination, this will commence at 1:00pm meaning lunch will take place at 12:20pm. Your child will be dismissed from the examination room to go straight home from an afternoon exam.

Students will be issued with individual timetables via Edulink.  It is important for students to understand that it is their responsibility to know when they have examinations and where they need to be to sit those examinations. They need to check which seat number they will be sitting at before any examination.

Students must adhere to the following basic expectations during the examinations, both now and in the Summer:

  • They must be on time to all examination sessions.
  • They must enter the examination room with empty pockets.
  • Students must have a black pen.
  • Students are only allowed water to drink in the examination room and this must be in clear bottle, the bottle must have the label removed.
  • No watches allowed
  • No mobile phones or electronic devices of any nature are allowed into the exam room, except calculators that must have cases/covers removed.
  • Students will be expected to leave all coats and bags in the PE changing rooms. All phones should be completely switched off.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the room during the examination at any point unless it is for a valid medical reason.
  • Students must remain in the examination room for the full time of their examination.

Prior to these examinations, students must familiarise themselves with all the examination polices which can be found on the student portal under examination information.

If you have any questions regarding this examination period, then please do not hesitate to contact me at the Academy.

Yours sincerely

Mrs J Kaur                                                                            Mr D Irish
Senior Teacher                                                                   Principal

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