March 2023
Dear Family
NEU Teacher Strikes – Wednesday, 15 and Thursday, 16 March 2023
You may be aware from media coverage that teaching unions have declared strike action, which will take place on 15 March and 16 March. The strikes are happening because of a national dispute between the unions and the government and not because of any issues at our school.
I’m getting in touch to give you inform you of our arrangements for Wednesday, 15 and Thursday, 16 March.
• School will be closed to all years and we will be offering remote education opportunities on the day.
• Year 11 Mock examinations will go ahead as normal on Wednesday, 15 and Thursday, 16 March.
• Year 11 students that have a mock examination on the mornings of Wednesday, 15 March and Thursday, 16 March will remain in school all day as they will have an examination in the afternoon.
• Lunch will be available to purchase for those students sitting their mock examinations.
• Year 11 students that do not have mock examinations in the morning will be expected to arrive at the Academy for 12.45pm in order to start their examination at 1pm
• Entrance for students will be through the student entrance on Wilson Road.
• Years 7-10 and Years 12-13 will learn online, following our comprehensive learning plan. This will be accessed through the usual channels ie, TEAMS and class sites
• There are a number of Year 10 students that will be invited in as part of their BTEC coursework. We will send information to these families directly.
• Please note only those invited Year 10 students should attend.
• Any students that are in attendance at the Academy should be in full Academy uniform.
• Free school meal vouchers will be issued to all eligible families to cover the two strike days.
• We remain open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. If your child is eligible to attend face-to-face teaching, please click the LINK to register your child for this provision.
• There will be no clubs after school on Wednesday, 15 or Thursday 16 March
I’m sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your child at short notice. I understand that this situation may be frustrating and ask that all members of our school community continue to treat each other with respect. Shireland Collegiate Academy and Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust remain committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our pupils and delivering high-quality teaching.
If you have any questions, please contact the Academy on 0121 558 8086 or alternatively via email
Yours sincerely
Mr D Irish