News & Events

End of Term Arrangements

Dear Family

End of Term Arrangements

This has been another busy term at Shireland. It has been a welcome return to normal school days.

We have been delighted to have high numbers of students attend our extracurricular clubs, with a special mention to our girls Netball sessions who have seen record attendance figures. If your child would like to learn more about extracurricular clubs, they can find this on the student portal or alternatively they can speak to their form tutor.

The last day of term will be Friday, 22 October 2021. Students will be released from the Academy at the normal time of 3.25pm.

During half term we have a full study support programme which will be delivered online via Microsoft TEAMS. Your child’s subject teacher will have contacted them directly if they are required.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our families for their continued support in our twice weekly home testing programme. This will continue after half term following guidance from the Department for Education.

All students should return to the Academy on Monday, 1 November 2021 at the normal time of 8.40am.

Key dates for next half term:

Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday, 11 November.
Year 7 Photographs – Wednesday, 17 November.
Awards Evening – Thursday, 18 November.
Staff Training Day – Friday, 19 November.
Mock Exams begin – Week commencing Monday, 29 November.

Yours sincerely

Mr D Irish


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