
News & Events

Anti-Bullying Workshop

July 2024


Dear Family

Anti Bullying 101: Workshop for Parents and Carers
Thursday, 18 July – 6.30pm

Dear Family

Our anti-bullying ambassadors would like to invite you to the Anti-Bullying 101 online FREE interactive workshop for parents and carers. This workshop will be led by the Diana award, and it is designed for parents and carers who want to learn more about supporting their child and spotting the signs of bullying behaviour, including LGBTQ+ targeted behaviour.

In addition to this, we can count any family attendance to the workshop towards our community badge which we will continue to work towards next year.

Please support us by signing up to the online workshop.

Thank you for your support from Mrs Bradley and Shireland Anti-bullying Ambassadors.

Yours sincerely

Mrs V Bradley                                Miss M Green
Head of Year 7                               Principal

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