Applications now open for year 7 entry in September 2025

Applications are now open for Sixth Form starting September 2025 – Open Evening on Thursday 14 November, 4pm-7pm.

News & Events

BTEC Examinations

I must apologise for writing to you again with new developments and arrangements so quickly following on from yesterday’s letters. The Department for Education have released some more guidance and with that guidance I have concluded that it is no longer right for us to continue with the BTEC examinations this

I know that this will be extremely disappointing for all those students who have studied and revised hard to prepare for their exams and I can only apologise for the decision being taken at such late notice. However, much of this process has been outside of school’s control. The reasons for my decision are as follows:

1. Guidance issued by the DfE at 6.42pm on Tuesday evening now says that schools and colleges can continue with the exams “where they judge it right to do so”.
2. Tonight’s figures in relation to infection rates, in particular, the statement that one in fifty people now carry the virus and the fact Sandwell’s rate of infection is far in excess of the national average.

3. Perhaps related to the previous point, some of our invigilators have decided that they do not feel it right to invigilate the exams.
Pearson, who are the examination board have stated that, “The DfE has confirmed an updated approach for scheduled January BTEC exams – schools/colleges can choose to offer exams if they judge it right to do so. No BTEC learner will be disadvantaged.”

More information from the examination board is available by following the link below.

BTEC news | Pearson qualifications

Once again, I can only apologise for any upset or uncertainty my decision has caused to any of our students who have invested significant time and effort into revising for exams that they cannot now take. However disappointed you may be, I hope you will understand my inclination to prioritise health and well-being having been reassured that your qualifications should not be jeopardised

View full copy of letter here

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